Future Projects

In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our nation’s youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. These are the kinds of skills that students develop in science, technology, engineering, and math, including computer science—disciplines collectively known as STEM/CS. If we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and workers can understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, building students’ skills, content knowledge, and literacy in STEM fields is essential. We must also make sure that, no matter where children live, they have access to quality learning environments. A child’s zip code should not determine their STEM literacy and educational options. 

The Elderly and the Internet

There’s a general perception that the elderly are complete technophobes. We’ve all seen, and no doubt chuckled at all the funny memes out there or the jokes like the one where grandpa uses correction fluid on the screen to correct an error. But, if you take a closer look at the elderly Internet usage statistics, you’ll see that this is far from the truth. 

So, let’s take a look at how they use the net, what type of information they access, and a whole lot more besides!   The Elderly and the World Wide Web (Infographic) – medalerthelp.org

We know that our parents and grandparents sometimes struggle finding their way around the web. We want to help them get comfortable opening a website, how to search and eventually become proficient with browsing. Our goal is to have weekly classes on the elderly and internet. Stay tuned.